Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

Educational Events

Roundtable #4 - Loneliness and Belonging in Emerging Adulthood - Moderated by Spencer Biel, PsyD

August 3, 2024 at 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern


Roundtable #4 in the 2024 Virtual Roundtable Series, Minding the Gaps: Addressing Mental Health Through the Life Cycle.
Panelists: Michael Roth, PhD; and Jillian Stile, PhD
Emerging adults are reporting surging rates of loneliness and isolation, leaving many developmentally adrift and vulnerable to accumulating mental health troubles. This panel will consider how social turmoil, mistrust, pessimism, and polarization uniquely challenge young adults’ identity development, agency, and sense of belonging. Additionally, we will explore forms of engagement that encourage their social participation and harness their essential contributions to the world they are joining and helping.