Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA

7th Annual Austen Riggs Award for Excellence in Psychotherapy

Program Directors of Psychiatry Residency Programs are invited to nominate and submit ONE current resident or fellow at any level of training.

Excellence in Psychotherapy Recipients
Training and research are core elements of the Austen Riggs Center and are offered through its Erikson Institute for Education, Research, and Advocacy. This Austen Riggs Award for Excellence in Psychotherapy recognizes and supports the development of psychiatric residents who have demonstrated interest and ability in psychodynamic psychotherapy and/or psychodynamic psychiatry or have shown promise as researchers in biopsychosocial approaches to psychiatric practice, including psychotherapy.
To nominate and submit a resident for consideration, Program Directors should:
By December 1, 2025, submit the application materials outlined below using the online submission form.
  • A nomination letter written by the program director (300 words maximum) for ONE psychiatry resident describing the qualifications of the nominee including:
    • a description of clinical abilities,
    • personal characteristics that contribute to clinical excellence, and, (where applicable),
    • teaching, research, or other significant accomplishments relevant to the practice of psychodynamic psychiatry or psychodynamic psychotherapy.
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae
  • A brief description written by the nominee (400 words maximum) outlining their interest in psychodynamic psychiatry.
Nominees will be assessed on a number of dimensions, including:
  • Interest in psychotherapy
  • Psychological-mindedness / Aptitude for psychotherapy
  • Initiative in pursuing psychotherapeutic opportunities
  • Initiative in teaching/researching psychotherapeutic approaches in psychiatry
  • Idealism / Professionalism
  • Quality of the personal statement (creativity, thoughtfulness, ability to express self in writing)
  • Likelihood of contributing to the field
  • Overcoming of obstacles to psychotherapy (e.g., in a low-resource environment)
2025 award recipients will be announced on December 30, 2025.
Recipients of the Award for Excellence in Psychotherapy receive:
  • $250
  • Certificate of honor
We appreciate your assistance in identifying the next generation of psychodynamic and biopsychosocial psychiatrists and your support in their development by nominating them for this new award. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: David Mintz, MD, Director of Psychiatric Education
413.931.5315 or
Attachments are accepted through our DropBox link. If your organization blocks DropBox, you may email your attachments to and include the nominee's name in the subject line.