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Institutional Review Board

The Austen Riggs Center Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees all psychodynamic research, psychiatric research, or other clinical research conducted by Riggs staff that involves either the recruitment of human research subjects or the utilization of human subjects data. Our IRB may also be asked to serve as IRB of Record for another institution that wishes to utilize our expertise.

A Commitment to Research

The Austen Riggs Center, through the Erikson Institute for Education, Research, and Advocacy, has a strong history of and commitment to research. Our Institutional Review Board must provide ethical review and approval of human subjects research protocols—including research recruitment—before they commence. The IRB continues to monitor the research throughout the life of the study.
IRB Members include Riggs clinical and non-clinical staff, Riggs clinical Fellows, Riggs alumni, and representatives of our regional community. Members are appointed by the Institutional Official—who oversees IRB operations—for three-year, renewable terms. At any time, our IRB must be comprised of no fewer than seven and no more than ten voting members. In addition, there are alternate members who may be appointed by the IRB Chair to review protocols or to vote as needed, such as when a voting member is absent or has a conflict of interest.

Voting Members

Alternate Members

  • Marshall Donnelley, MBA*
  • Brian Drake, MA*
*external members
The Austen Riggs Center Institutional Review Board is registered with the Office of Human Research Protections IRB# 00010911 and FWA# 00028681
Contact the IRB Administrator, Samantha Grzelak at

Current & Past Research

For information about current and past Institutional Review Board-approved research projects conducted by Austen Riggs Center staff, see our comprehensive listing.

Contact Us for More

For more information about the Erikson Institute, please feel free to get in touch.