Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

Meet Our Team

The Austen Riggs Center staff comprises therapists, nurses, clinical social workers, administrative and other healthcare professionals—all collaborating to create a therapeutic community of positive growth.

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Steven Ackerman, PhD, MBA, ABPP

Accreditation Manager/Team Leader/Chair of the Austen Riggs Institutional Review Board/Staff Psychologist

Melissa Agosto

Director of Finance

Jessica Arrowsmith

Director of Human Resources

Marina Bayeva, MD, PhD

Director of Psychopharmacology/Staff Psychiatrist

Dave Belliveau

Director of Information Technology

Spencer Biel, PsyD

Director of Online IOP

Chauncey T. Collins, MBA

Chief Operating Officer/Chief Financial Officer

Donna M. Elmendorf, PhD

Director of Therapeutic Community Program

Samar Habl, MD

Director of Admissions and Associate Medical Director

David Jordan

Director of Dietary/Executive Chef

Daniel Knauss, PsyD, ABPP

Director of Training/Staff Psychologist/Grand Rounds Coordinator

Katie Lewis, PhD

Director of Research


Contact Us for More

For more information on our residential treatment programs, or answers to any questions, please feel free to contact us.