Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

Step-Down Programs

After your first six weeks, our step-down programs provide you with the opportunity to have a small group residential experience with a focus on developing the skills necessary to live independently, to return to school or work, and to engage in more fulfilling relationships or to live more independently in your own apartment.

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Moving Toward Independent Living
Located in renovated, historic homes, these step-down programs (available after the initial six-week evaluation and treatment) located in Riggs buildings offer a small group environment for continuing to develop self-management, interpersonal ability, and independent living skills, and the capacity to rejoin the social, educational, and occupational communities outside of Riggs–and at lower cost than the Inn Residential Programs. When you reside in one of these programs you’ll work with the program manager but continue to have 24-hour access to nursing staff at the Inn in an emergency.
The Elms
Located on the Riggs campus, the Elms offers two programs in a relaxed but structured home environment.

Elms Transition Program: With access to the offerings of our Inn Residential Program–Groups (IRP-G), you’ll continue to develop peer relationships and personal resources that help you contain and learn from your experience.

Elms Program: Self-management, interpersonal ability, and the development of more independent living skills are emphasized in this program.
Lavan Hall
Two distinct residential programs are offered at Lavan Hall, a residence on Main Street one block from the main Riggs campus. In the Main Street Program, you may taper your days of involvement in the Therapeutic Community and Activities Programs from seven days to four days while still continuing your individual psychotherapy sessions.

Lavan Program: In this program you’re encouraged, with other patients, to function as a working unit and develop interpersonal and relationship skills through multiple weekly group meetings.

Main Street Program: Developing social role competence through involvement in work, school, volunteering, or re-engagement in family roles is a focus of this program. You’ll take part in practical workshops, educational offerings, groups, and one-to-one support as you become involved in activities outside of Riggs.
Additional Programs
If you are at a point in your treatment where you are no longer living on the Riggs campus, there are two additional programs that Riggs offers.

Day Treatment Program: This program provides groups, activities, and a supportive interpersonal network if you are living independently in the local community while maintaining your treatment at Riggs. In the Day Treatment Program, you’re encouraged to volunteer, attend school, or work. Over time, you can taper your days of involvement and participation in Therapeutic Community Program offerings.

Aftercare Program: This program provides a transitional phase as you are ending treatment at Riggs. You’ll continue to receive individual treatment services but no longer participate in the Therapeutic Community or Activities Programs.

Your Treatment Experience

While your treatment will reflect your own choices, all of our residential treatment programs start with intensive psychotherapy as the core, and include a range of complementary elements.

Admission Process

If other treatments haven’t worked, Riggs may be right for you. Unlike some other psychiatric hospitals in Massachusetts or elsewhere, our relational, patient-centered treatment approach addresses underlying issues, not just symptoms.

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