Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

CE/CME Courses

Incorporating Racial Justice Principles into Psychoanalytically-informed Supervision

1 CE/CME Credit
Instructor: Monique Bowen, PhD
This presentation will identify a series of common, clinical training dilemmas associated with race-based bias, discrimination, hatred, and prejudice. The presenter will use these examples to explore racial legacies in clinical supervisory relationships that are often shared/passed down in training settings, including in psychoanalytic institutes and across psychoanalytically-informed training contexts. The session will focus on 1) direct engagement with policies devised to counteract interpersonal and institutional racism and 2) approaches necessary to foster repair in same race and cross-racial training relationships premised on uneven power dynamics. The presenter will also demonstrate how particular misinterpretations of antiracism tenets and of broader racial and social justice discourses hamper the potential use of psychoanalytic ideas for exploring the complex, intersecting identities of supervisor-supervisee, patient-therapist, and trainee-training institution.