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Professional Publications

A Re‐introduction of the Psychodynamic Approach to the Standard Clinical Psychology Curriculum

Published on:
June 13, 2023
Evan Good, PhD, and his colleagues Alytia A. Levendosky, Joshua E. Turchan, and Xiaochen Luo, authored "A Re‐introduction of the Psychodynamic Approach to the Standard Clinical Psychology Curriculum" in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. This is an open access article.
(from the publisher)
"There is a strong evidence-base for a psychodynamic approach, supporting primary theoretical tenets as well as the treatment effectiveness. Additionally, there are increasing calls from the field for more individualized treatment for clients, and the lack of training in multiple orientations limits the ability of students in clinical psychology Ph.D. programs in the United States to personalize their treatments. The accumulated evidence-base for contemporary relational psychodynamic theory and therapy places it in good standing to return to the standard clinical psychology curriculum, along with other evidence-based approaches."
DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23551