Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

Share Your Experience

When seeking treatment for their mental health, individuals, families, and providers often turn to online reviews to learn about the program from the perspective of those who have been involved with it.

Austen Riggs Center
If you or your family member had a positive experience at Riggs and would like to share that experience, we encourage you visit the sites below and submit a review. (In some cases, this can be done anonymously.)
In addition, we are currently looking for former Riggs patients who are willing to give voice to their Riggs treatment–why they came to Riggs, their experiences during treatment, and the impact their time at Riggs had on their lives–for a video, text, and audio series to be featured on our website, social media, and in other outreach.
If you are a former patient and are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Communications Director John Zollinger at: or 413.931.5816.
Submitting a review or telling your story will help future patients and families learn about Riggs and we thank you for your help.

Alumni Community

If you are a former patient and would like to join the Alumni Community, please contact us.