Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

Development News

A Meaningful Way to Make a Lasting Impact

Aaron M. Beatty, MA|
July 10, 2020
What it means to be a planned giving 1919 Society member for Michael Groat, PhD
After graduating from the Austen Riggs Center’s four-year post-doctoral Fellowship in 2008, Michael Groat, PhD, went on to serve in leadership roles at the Menninger Clinic and CooperRiis. Today, Groat is a nationally respected leader in the field of clinical psychology, who serves as the Chief Clinical Officer at Silver Hill Hospital. Throughout his career–from Texas to North Carolina to Connecticut–Groat has remained steadfast in his long-term support of Riggs.
A 1919 Society member since 2009, Groat first heard of supporting Riggs through planned giving from a mailing he received. At the time, Groat was reviewing beneficiaries for his retirement fund and he made the decision to include the Austen Riggs Center.
“It was an easy decision and easy to join the 1919 Society,” recalls Groat. “In 2009, I was in Houston and applying everything I learned in the Fellowship in an entirely new setting. I felt real gratitude and appreciation for what the Fellowship provided me.”
Now, Groat views his membership in the 1919 Society as an important way to support an institution that he still cares about. “For me this is about being a grateful Fellow and wanting to give something back to an institution that means a lot to me. Riggs helped fashion my professional identity early on, and I want to be able to help future generations of Fellows and patients. The 1919 Society gives me a meaningful way to do just that.”
Create Your Own Legacy
By including the Austen Riggs Center in your estate plans, you can ensure the future of Riggs and safeguard the role it plays at the forefront of mental health treatment, research, and advocacy.
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