Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA

CE/CME Courses

What Is the First Story and the Last Story, and Are They the Only Stories: Intersectionality in the Assessment Encounter

1.0 CE/CME credit
Instructor: Ksera Dyette, PsyD
Since 2020, “The Summer of Racial Reckoning,” professionals across fields and industries began to pay laser-like attention to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Assessment professionals in various settings have struggled and, in some cases, plainly stated that these topics are too political to have relevance for our work. This counterpoint only illuminates the dearth of intensive resources to aid professionals in understanding that identity and all its intersectional factors is what is necessary for a comprehensive and holistic approach to assessment that truly considers the complexities of the individuals we serve. From the clinical interview to the final report, to the feedback session – who told the first story and the last story about the person assessed has the potential to create small and rippling or large and impactful change in that person’s life. Sometimes, impacts can include harm by what is unconsidered/unconfronted about who we are, how we were trained, where we work, and what we bring to the table. The identity of the assessor matters just as much as that of the person in front of us and requires a nuanced introspection of self and self in relation to “other,” that can be uncomfortable and necessarily challenges the status quo.