Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA in Network with Carelon

Clinical Perspectives

Sage Advice on Being a "Good Citizen" in a Complex World

Published on:
January 23, 2024
Edward R. Shapiro, MD, was interviewed by Grant Hilary Brenner MD, DFAPA, for the piece "Sage Advice on Being a 'Good Citizen' in a Complex World" in Psychology Today.
(from the publisher)
"I recently read Finding a Place to Stand: Developing Self-Reflective Institutions, Leaders, and Citizens, by Edward R. Shapiro, MD. ​​With so much worth sharing, I reached out to Dr. Shapiro, who kindly agreed to let me interview him."
  • Being a "good citizen" means being engaged.
  • Citizenship is especially important in today's fragmented world of shifting values.
  • People learn to be good citizens in their families, during their upbringing.
  • Working well as an individual requires us to understand how larger groups of people function and dysfunction.