This previously recorded roundtable examines the experiences two prominent psychoanalysts, Otto Kernberg and Heinz Kohut who were forced to emigrate from Vienna as the Holocaust approached. Dr. Kernberg spoke about his life and career considering his emigration experience, and Tom Kohut, PhD, spoke about how the emigration experience of his father Heinz Kohut influenced his personal and professional life and work. How both men have shaped American psychoanalysis was examined. The discussion was moderated by Nancy McWilliams, PhD.
This roundtable is part of "From Despair to Hope: The Holocaust, Immigration, and Psychoanalysis in North America," a collaboration between the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center and the Sigmund Freud Museum honoring the late Anton O. Kris, MD.
The roundtable series is partially underwritten by Steven C. Ackerman and the Stockbridge Cultural Council.