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Professional Publications

Navigating Countertransference in Inpatient Settings: Optimizing Interventions for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Repeated Acute Hospitalizations

Published on:
September 1, 2023
Erin Seery, MD, and her colleagues Deborah Lin, MD, and Luke Zona, MD, authored "Navigating Countertransference in Inpatient Settings: Optimizing Interventions for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Repeated Acute Hospitalizations" in Psychodynamic Psychiatry.
(from the publisher)
"In this article, we examine the evolution of inpatient treatment with de-emphasized psychotherapy practices, review the particular dynamics that patients with borderline personality disorder may evoke within an interdisciplinary treatment team, and provide a framework of clinically based vignettes for scenarios that may arise within inpatient treatment of this patient population. With attention to countertransference patterns and common pitfalls of communication, we offer alternative approaches and conversations with the hopes of improving outcomes and alliances in a new landscape of psychiatric practice."
DOI: 10.1521/pdps.2023.51.3.330