Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA

Professional Publications

Contributions of Multimethod Personality Assessment in Indirect Evaluation

Published on:
June 30, 2022
Katie C. Lewis, PhD, and several of her colleagues published "Contributions of Multimethod Personality Assessment in Indirect Evaluation" in the Journal of Personality Assessment.
From the publisher: "Indirect assessment is a useful tool in forensic evaluation, especially in cases of threat assessment. To this end, we illustrated the ability to conceptualize a complicated case (i.e., Theodore John Kaczynski) using an indirect approach, with a particular emphasis upon dimensional frameworks of personality. Raters who were unrelated to Mr. Kaczynski’s case and with expertise in relevant domains were asked to study information available in the public domain about Mr. Kaczynski and provide ratings using several assessment instruments."
DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2022.2090370